in the past 3 months ive been painting basically every day or at least a couple times a week. for awhile last year i kind of slowed down on painting mostly because of art block and just not being happy wih anything i made. at the time i was using a lot of gouache which i really love but i just wanted to switch it up. i just really wanted to do some watery-light paintings. so i got a pan watercolor set and i LOVED IT. it was so much let messy than the tube gouache i was using, i could just bust it out whenever i wanted. it also just really strached that itch i had for while.
ive been having so much fun and im improving really fast. sometimes i really just have to trust the process which i can be impaitent about so im improving on that too haha. over all its a great part of my day to just make something. im filling out my sketch book so quickly ill probably have to get another by june.
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shoegaze and alisons haloSHORT STORIES
entry 1 23/02/2024